# Copyright 2022 - Barcelona Supercomputing Center
# Author: Rodrigo Martin
# MIT License
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, List, Dict, Any, Union
from enum import Enum, auto
import pysam
def _build_filter(rec: pysam.VariantRecord) -> List[Union[str, int]]:
return [f for f in rec.filter]
def _build_info(rec: pysam.VariantRecord) -> Dict[str, Any]:
info = dict()
for key, value in rec.info.items():
info[key] = value
return info
def _build_format(rec: pysam.VariantRecord) -> List[str]:
return [f for f in rec.format]
def _build_samples(rec: pysam.VariantRecord) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]:
samples = dict()
for sample_name in rec.samples:
sample_dict = dict()
for key, value in rec.samples[sample_name].items():
sample_dict[key] = value
samples[sample_name] = sample_dict
return samples
class VariantType(Enum):
"""Enumeration with the different types of variations
SNV = auto()
DEL = auto()
INS = auto()
DUP = auto()
INV = auto()
CNV = auto()
TRA = auto()
SGL = auto()
class BreakendSVRecord(NamedTuple):
"""NamedTuple with the information of a breakend notated SV record
prefix: Optional[str]
"""Prefix of the SV record with breakend notation. For example, for :code:`G]17:198982]` the prefix will be :code:`G`"""
bracket: str
"""Bracket of the SV record with breakend notation. For example, for :code:`G]17:198982]` the bracket will be :code:`]`"""
contig: str
"""Contig of the SV record with breakend notation. For example, for :code:`G]17:198982]` the contig will be :code:`17`"""
pos: int
"""Position of the SV record with breakend notation. For example, for :code:`G]17:198982]` the position will be :code:`198982`"""
suffix: Optional[str]
"""Suffix of the SV record with breakend notation. For example, for :code:`G]17:198982]` the suffix will be :code:`None`"""
class ShorthandSVRecord(NamedTuple):
"""NamedTuple with the information of a shorthand SV record
type: str
"""One of the following, :code:`'DEL'`, :code:`'INS'`, :code:`'DUP'`, :code:`'INV'` or :code:`'CNV'`"""
extra: Optional[List[str]]
"""Extra information of the SV. For example, for :code:`<DUP:TANDEM:AA>` the extra will be :code:`['TANDEM', 'AA']`"""
def _str_value(value):
if isinstance(value, str):
return value
elif isinstance(value, float):
return f'{value:.2f}'
elif hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
return ','.join([_str_value(v) for v in value])
elif value is None:
return '.'
return str(value)
def _convert_info_key_value(key, value):
if value is None:
return key
elif isinstance(value, bool):
return key if value else None
return key+'='+_str_value(value)
def _convert_sample_value(key, value):
if key == 'GT':
return '/'.join([_str_value(v) for v in value])
return _str_value(value)
class VariantRecord():
"""NamedTuple with the information of a variant record
contig: str
"""Contig name"""
pos: int
"""Position of the variant in the contig"""
end: int
"""End position of the variant in the contig (same as `pos` for TRA and SNV)"""
length: int
"""Length of the variant"""
id: Optional[str]
"""Record identifier"""
ref: str
"""Reference sequence"""
alt: str
"""Alternative sequence"""
qual: Optional[float]
"""Quality score for the assertion made in ALT"""
filter: List[Union[str, int]]
"""Filter status. PASS if this position has passed all filters. Otherwise, it contains the filters that failed"""
variant_type: VariantType
"""Variant type"""
alt_sv_breakend: Optional[BreakendSVRecord]
"""Breakend SV info, present only for SVs with breakend notation. For example, :code:`G]17:198982]`"""
alt_sv_shorthand: Optional[ShorthandSVRecord]
"""Shorthand SV info, present only for SVs with shorthand notation. For example, :code:`<DUP:TANDEM>`"""
def __init__(self, rec: pysam.VariantRecord, contig: str, pos: int, end: int,
length: int, id: Optional[str], ref: str,
alt: str, variant_type: VariantType,
alt_sv_breakend: Optional[BreakendSVRecord] = None,
alt_sv_shorthand: Optional[ShorthandSVRecord] = None):
self._rec = rec
self.contig = contig
self.pos = pos
self.end = end
self.length = length
self.id = id
self.ref = ref
self.alt = alt
self.qual = rec.qual
self.filter = _build_filter(rec)
self.variant_type = variant_type
self.alt_sv_breakend = alt_sv_breakend
self.alt_sv_shorthand = alt_sv_shorthand
self._info = None
self._format = None
self._samples = None
def info(self):
"""Additional information"""
if self._info is None:
self._info = _build_info(self._rec)
return self._info
def info(self, value):
self._info = value
def format(self):
"""Specifies data types and order of the genotype information"""
if self._format is None:
self._format = _build_format(self._rec)
return self._format
def format(self, value):
self._format = value
def samples(self):
"""Genotype information for each sample"""
if self._samples is None:
self._samples = _build_samples(self._rec)
return self._samples
def samples(self, value):
self._samples = value
def _replace(self, **kwargs):
new_record = VariantRecord(self._rec, self.contig, self.pos, self.end,
self.length, self.id, self.ref, self.alt,
self.variant_type, self.alt_sv_breakend,
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(new_record, key, value)
return new_record
def _info_str(self, rec_str: List[str]) -> str:
# If info has not been loaded, return the original info string
if self._info is None and len(rec_str) > 7:
return rec_str[7]
info_list = []
for key, value in self.info.items():
info_str = _convert_info_key_value(key, value)
if info_str is None:
if self.alt_sv_shorthand:
info_list.insert(0, 'END='+str(self.end))
info = ";".join(info_list)
return info
def _format_str(self, rec_str: List[str]) -> str:
# If format has not been loaded, return the original format string
if self._format is None and len(rec_str) > 8:
return rec_str[8]
return ":".join(self.format)
def _samples_str(self, rec_str: List[str]) -> str:
# If samples and format have not been loaded, return the original samples string
if self._samples is None and self._format is None and len(rec_str) > 9:
return '\t'.join(rec_str[9:])
samples_list = [":".join([_convert_sample_value(k, self.samples[sample_name][k])
for k in self.format]) for sample_name in self.samples]
samples = "\t".join(samples_list)
return samples
def __str__(self):
rec_str_split = str(self._rec).split('\t')
contig = self.contig
pos = self.pos
id_ = self.id if self.id else '.'
ref = self.ref
alt = self.alt
qual = _str_value(self.qual)
filter_ = ";".join(map(str, self.filter)) if self.filter else '.'
info = self._info_str(rec_str_split)
format_ = self._format_str(rec_str_split)
samples = self._samples_str(rec_str_split)
return f'{contig}\t{pos}\t{id_}\t{ref}\t{alt}\t{qual}\t{filter_}\t{info}\t{format_}\t{samples}'.strip()